The App
The Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission with Texas Tech University worked collaboratively to create a new educational resource that would introduce the history of the U.S. liberators of the German Concentration Camps into the secondary school curriculum. Engaging the collection of digital interviews already compiled and archived by the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission, along with the expertise of several of the Colleges at Texas Tech, the Liberator Project culminated in a computer application that allows students to virtually and intellectually "enter" the history and interact directly with maps, video components, blueprints, biographical materials, documents, photographs, and other primary source texts in a unique, first-person, simulated platform.
Featuring a first-person, interactive experience, the app will allow students to experience the end of the Second World War in Europe and the work of the Allied Liberators in releasing prisoners and victims from the Nazi Concentration and Death Camps. The app is the centerpiece of the project, developed with the hopes of using a medium to connect students to the study and fundamentals of history in a unique and engaging way. More and more advances have been made to teach students by way of technology; thus, our approach was through the virtual simulation of a historical event, a tangent to that methodology of teaching. Inspired by the individuals in the nineteen testimonies, the narrative of the app is a consolidation into one streamlined chronicle depicting the liberation of Dachau, where the student will be exposed to the difficulties faced by liberators in their own words.
Enter the app HERE.